Mass Casualty Cleanup is something noone wants to think about, but what happens after the investigators are gone? Many agencies like the EPA relay on Iowa CTS Cleaners to perform cleanup of the casualty scene. Iowa CTS Cleaners is trained to properly remove biological fluids and sanitize for blood-borne pathogens, communicable diseases, and bacteria. Additionally, we have years of experience dealing with crime scenes in particular and are certified in Mass Casualty Cleanup in Ft Dodge.
Our technicians, in addition to their individual technical skill sets, are chosen for their compassion and communication skills. Recognizing that property owners, government agencies and businesses need to return to some sense of normalcy as quickly as possible, Iowa CTS Cleaners will provide prompt, discreet and professional trauma and crime scene clean up services that will ensure that the casualty scene is guaranteed the highest level of sanitation.
Our mass casualty decontamination services include the following: